Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Famous People in town

Have you had any famous people drop into your town lately?

I live in a very small seaside town only 1200 people live here but in summer there are about 6000.

Residents couldn't believe their eyes when in walks Keith Urban to the local coffee shop!!

Yep it sure was him, quick thinking staff rushed to find a camera and had their photo taken with him, which now hangs pride of place in the coffee shop. You just never know who is going to drop in for a cuppa do you.

The next person of renown was Shane Gould remember her? Well you should she was one of the youngest Gold medal swimmers for Australia. She loves Tasmania so much she and her husband have decided to set up a base here. But that's not all she wants to write a book about people who swim and we just happen to have a group of older people who swim almost everydayin the sea, that have caught her interest so Shane will be back and forth a bit!

What about Ronnie Burns do you remember him? Australian Pop star back in the 70's, He also set up camp in the wilds of Tassie quite a few years ago. Now he helps some of the under priveligded kids enjoy a camp on his property.

Then of course there was Doug Anthony not the all stars fame one but a past deputy Prime Minister. He loves to play golf so he and his mates came on down to play at Barnbougle Dunes one of the top 100 courses in the work and just five minutes from the centre of Bridport.

Remember Mark Edmondson he's a golfer too, but better know for tennis. He is best remembered for his victory at the Australian Open in 1976, in which he was noted for wearing a pair of Dunlop Volleys. He is the last Australian to date to win the men's singles at the Australian Open. This win was particularly notable because he is the lowest-ranked winner of a major since the ATP rankings were introduced in 1973. He was ranked 212th at the time. Eddo has won six career singles titles and 34 in doubles, including five major titles.

I'll let you know when anymore distinguished people drop by keep an eye out.

1 comment:

Mona said...

hello tinman, just the other day i saw chris matthews (NBC anchor) and jennifer connelly. lots of stars in my town;) anyway, your town sounds divine. i wish i could live there. thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. i always love having new visitors. cheers! -m
