We wound our way out of Coles Bay and down the coast to Swansea, where I had to see two B&B operators, Meredith House and Schouten House. While I was having a chat I sent the children off on a foreshore walk which seems to have not taken very long at all before they are texting me to ask where I was? Well of course I was still having a cuppa and a chat with my colleagues so they had to find their way back.
Swansea is another popular coastal holiday destination for Tasmanians. There are hunreds of holiday homes and the shopping is much better than Coles Bay. Doesn't look crowded today but come back in the peak summer season and have a look!
We cruise in and out of Triabunna I never find this town has alot to offer the visitor but there is one point of interest the Dead man island it is an early burial site and head stones are still visible. The ferry to Maria Island also departs from Triabunna.
All of these coastal towns have wonderful public picnic and BBQ facilities and childrens playgrounds. We have a long way to go today - lets go.
We arrive at Orford at lunch time. Someone had said you should go to Scorchers for lunch they have great woodfired pizzas. We had been there on a previous trip and had great hot chocolates so that's where we headed. NOT on a Wednesday - we are closed says the sign. Just as well the bakery was open we grabbed some excellent wraps and ate out on the Prossers river edge picnic tables.
You wind your way up the hill to a great lookout at Thumbs reserve, complete with picnic facilities. When we arrive there is a family from Hobart just finishing their picnic lunch! We take in the view out over Schouten Island and the rest of the coast and jump in the car again to keep heading south.
Half way down the Wielangta road there is another look out this is of Marions Bay - must get a snap of this too!
Now we are on our way to Dunalley famous for it's canal. No gondolas going up and down this one but thre have been quiet a few sailing boats and fishing boats using this canal to cut off some of their trip to Hobart town, it avoids going further south around the treacherous Tasman Peninsula and cuts off several hours at sea.
So across the canal and down the Tasman Penisula to Port Arthur. Now this was one of our goals for the journey to be in Port Arthur in time for a "ghost tour". We booked the tour at the visitor centre and went off to find some accommodation. Now I don't really like driving around in a strange place at night much so we stayed at the Port Arthur Villas your host is a kind talkative chap with lots of local tips for the visitor. We have chosen a nice two bedroom villa with all mod cons for an over night stay, and we are able to cook our dinner once again. Our tour was for 6:30pm - probably a bit early for GHOSTS!
Join me next time to find out.
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