Friday, May 08, 2009

Serious Twitter business

Want to get really serious about twitter and tweeting don't be a twit then ...
There's lots of free add ons in to help you twitter all day
try them out here.

"Tweetlater" is a fantastic tool to help you master twitter.
Send your folowers an auto message to welcome them
You'll stand out from the crowd if you make it a
personalised message and not a selling message.

Follow me on twitter too if you like.

See you soon.

May Special offer - River of Life give it a Go

Are You Ready for the Flu Season?

There IS something you can do you know!

Check out this Amazing 4Life May Special

In May, when you order 2 packs (4 bottles) of RioVida® Liquid Immune Booster, and 1 bottle of Transfer Factor Plus capsules, not only will you SAVE $46.10 - but you'll receive a FREE 4Life Signature Star Key Ring!

Startling news is breaking hourly about a new, mutated strain of the H1 N1 influenza virus, which was first reported in Mexico.

The virus, common in pigs, has mutated so that it now has the ability to infect humans and is transmitted by contact or by coughing and sneezing.

The mutated H1 N1 strain has never been seen before. Therefore, human immune systems don’t have the ability to recognise it.

This leaves the human population vulnerable to developing what has been referred to as “Swine Flu”.

There are several precautions which one can take to hopefully not contract the swine flu, which include frequent washing of hands, keeping the hands away from the face, coughing or sneezing into a tissue, and the avoidance of crowds in any area where the illness has been reported.

Research scientists also recognise that the best defence against contracting any illness, including viral illnesses such as influenza, is to have a healthy, vital and responsive immune system.

According to Dr Rob Robertson, MD, ex-Director of Emergency Services at Western Baptist Hospital, Kentucky, USA, another simple thing that everyone can do is take Transfer Factors.

He says, "Transfer Factors have the ability to augment one’s immune system’s responsiveness through stimulation of our first line of defence, our Natural Killer cells. Recent research has also revealed that Transfer Factors produce antibodies against invading pathogens."

Dr Robertson further states, "The consumption of Transfer Factors during this potential pandemic of the swine flu would appear to be a reasonable and recommended course of action to best avert what could possibly be an infection with high morbidity and mortality."

And the good news is that 4Life Research, the world's Immune System Company, has designed this May Special so you can boost your supplies for the chilly season ahead.
RioVida® Liquid Transfer Factor comes in a smart looking bottle!
But what's inside, is even smarter! You've probably heard of the power of the antioxidants in acai, pomegranates, blueberries, elderberries and grapes for energy and vitality. These delicious wonder berries are ALL in RioVida.
Yet the real punch comes from the main ingredient... 4Life's patented Transfer Factor... which gives your immune system extra IQ. That's extra intelligence to work smarter.
RioVida® by 4Life is the only juice of it's kind in the world!
30mls a day (a small shot-glass) is all it takes to get you going with its wildly wicked taste.
The other part of the May Special is 4Life's Transfer Factor Plus®.
This is the most powerful of the 4Life Targeted Transfer Factor products. It has added ingredients that work synergistically together with Transfer Factor, and they are known to increase the activity of our Natural Killer cells even further.
And as Dr Robertson says, "It's the stimulation of our Natural Killer cells that is our first line of defence against any potential threat."
Order the May Special Here
Yours in vibrant health...
Gina Scott Your 4HealthDirect shop owner

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Not More about Swine Flu

Just the latest facts for your interest
Startling news is breaking hourly about a new, mutated strain of the H1 N1
influenza virus, which was first reported in Mexico. The virus, common in
pigs, has mutated so that it now has the ability to infect humans and is
transmitted by contact or by coughing and sneezing.
The mutated H1 N1 strain has never been seen before. Therefore, human
immune systems don’t have the ability to recognize it. This leaves the human
population vulnerable to developing what has been referred to as “Swine Flu”.
Health authorities are already sounding alarms about the very real possibility
of the swine flu reaching epidemic or possibly pandemic proportions. (A
pandemic illness is one, which spreads over a wide geographic area and
affects a large proportion of the population.)
The 1918 “Spanish Flu” was a pandemic of Biblical proportions and caused
an estimated 50,000,000 deaths worldwide with over 500,000 of those being
in the United States. While there are now antiviral medications available,
which weren’t yet discovered in 1918, if the numbers of cases began to reach
the level of the 1918 pandemic, it is recognized that the supply of medication
wouldn’t be sufficient to treat the vast majority of those who became infected.
There are several precautions, which one can take to hopefully not contract
the swine flu, which include frequent washing of hands, keeping the hands
away from the face, coughing or sneezing into a tissue, which should be
disposed of, and the avoidance of crowds in any area where the illness has
been reported.
Research scientists also recognize that the best defense against contracting
any illness, including viral illnesses such as influenza, is to have a healthy,
vital and responsive immune system.
A simple thing that everyone can do is take Transfer Factors. Transfer
Factors have the ability to augment one’s immune system’s responsiveness
through stimulation of our first line of defense, natural killer cells. Recent
research has also revealed that Transfer Factors positively affect our humoral
immune system, which produces antibodies against invading pathogens.
The consumption of Transfer Factors during this potential pandemic of the
swine flu would appear to be a reasonable and recommended course of
action to best avert what could possibly be an infection with high morbidity
and mortality.
Rob Robertson M.D.


Good Health Starts with You ....Avoid the Flu

Hi all my friends and others who happen to drop in,

How can we best protect ourselves
against the flu?

Listen to what these doctors recommend:

The products the doctors talk about
are now available in Australia at the
wholesale price, direct from:

Many thanks
P.S. If you would like a fr'ee ebook
about this, please just return email me
with "ebook please" in the subject line.

Gina Scott

Apart from that:
1. Keep your sneezes to yourself! cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze!
2. Wash your hands regularly!
3. Got flu like sysptoms - stay at home and recover.
4. Keep your distance from others in Public places. (now that will be a challenge for some)
5. Know the symptoms, body aches, extreme tirdness, coughs, sort throat and headaches.

Water and regular exercise are excellent ways to good health too.