Have you ever read the book Think and Grow Rich?
Ever come across a guy named Chris Cardell?
Ok Too many questions I know. But have you ever been presented with something that looks like a good opportunity and been too scared to take it?
I've been reading the book by Napolean Hill and am finding that it really should have been given out when we left school or at least in the last year of school. It is jambed packed with really useful information. I might just tell you some of the secrets of becoming succesful that I have learned.
I have been in business for myself for fourteen years, and yes there have been times when I thought what am I doing here. But I love the business I'm in and now have another one I'm just getting off the ground two very different kinds of enterprise.
To have a rich quality of life you must have Desire; Faith; Knowledge; Imagination; Planning;Decision; Persistence; a driving force;and there are about five other things, one of which is, the door to the temple of wisdom "a sixth sense" and is to do with creative imagination and a positive attitude.
So I started a tourism business fourteen years ago. Didn't have a lot of money, had to buy a property, build the buildings and the modest house to live in, which we did at weekends, then finally 18 months later we had a business established but still in it's infancy. Still had to work one full time job and a part time job between us.
I attended all possible training in small business that was available to tourism operators. Covered small business planning, marketing planning, accounting/bookkeeping, operational plans, accreditation and so the list goes on... And now it's how do you do interent marketing? What a complex field that one is!
But we have a very successful tourism business and love meeting people from all over the world who come to stay on our environmentally friendly property.
Now I'll give you some free business tips:
Set your goals and keep reviewing them.
Make sure you have a supportive partner (if you have one).
Trust your instinct.
Nurture your relationships with your existing customers. It is the first key to the goldmine.
Always Measure your marketing, make sure you know what is working and how well.
Well that's a start just think about those for a while it might help and I'll give you some more soon.
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